01424 730 497

Support Services

General Practioner

A new client may keep the doctor they are registered with unless we are out of their area. In these cases, the client will be registered with one of our local doctors in the area. We can help with deciding which doctor would be best for them.

Occupational therapist

The staff at Ash Grove are trained or working towards their NVQ level 2 or 3. We organise ‘Keeping Fit’ classes and a range of other activities to provide mental and physical stimulation. Activities are tailored to suit the individual clients.


Clients can keep their own optician or we have a domiciliary optician who visits at least once a year. They will visit even if the client does not have glasses as they carry out a full health check.

District nurse

District nurses can be arranged through the doctors surgery at our request or at the doctors’ request to visit Ash Grove.

Community psychiatric nurse

At Ash Grove, we closely work with 'St Anne's' the local psychiatrichospital. The team of CPN's liaise closely with management and staff at Ash Grove. CPN involvement is requested through the client’s doctor.


Clients may use the dentist of their choice but we do use a local dentist who will come out to the home to see clients.


An appointment can be arranged through the doctor or privately at the expense of the client.

Pharmaceutical service

We use a local chemist in St Leonard's Road in Bexhill. We order toiletries and over the counter medicines. The client will be charged for these items and invoiced. We also use them for all our prescription medicines which they prepare in a 'blister pack' for the safest and most practical way of dispensing.


We offer a wide choice of menu and cater for the individual’s needs ofeach client. All meals are cooked daily and produce and meat are delivered fresh each day. If a client was not eating their usual amount and wasloosing weight we would contact the doctor who may refer us to adietician. All diabetics are catered for and specialist foods bought ifnecessary.